Useful Informations


The official currency in Croatia is the kuna (1 kuna =100 lipa).

Foreign currencies can be exchanged to kunas in exchange-offices (banks, post offices, hotels, tourist resorts receptions, tourist agencies) according to the valid exchange rate. Credit cards can be used for payments wherever declared.
Traffic services

In Croatia road regulations are the same as in Europe. On some roads there are speed limitations.
Traffic limitations

On streets: improperly parked vehicles or vehicles parked on forbidden places will be towed away.

Through towns and villages the speed is limited to 50 kilometers per hour.

Driving: the use of seat belts is compulsory, just as the use of dipped car headlights. The use of mobile phones is forbidden.

At the sea: No motor boat speeding or water skiing within 200 meters from the shore.
Public holidays:

1 January - New Year’s Day; 6 January – Epiphany; Easter Sunday & Easter Monday; 1 May - Labour Day; Corpus Christi; 22 June - Anti-Fascist Resistance Day; 25 June - Statehood Day; 5 August - Victory Day and National Thanksgiving Day; 15 August - Assumption Day; 8 October - Independence Day; 1 November - All Saints’ Day; 25-26 December - Christmas Holidays

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Meteo and web-cam

Temperature (4m above sea): 12.8°C
Humidity: 94%
Sea temperature: 10°C
Air pressure: 1007.1 hPa
Current wind: 6 km/h 99° E
Current Rain: 0 mm/h